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NCL Course - Leading you Parish in Prayer


Since 1974, the National Centre for Liturgy has conducted courses in Pastoral Liturgy and Ministry. They have proved very successful, offering people a deeper insight to the ministry they exercise, helping them to understand better the liturgy they have a responsibility in preparing, and a personal enrichment of the ways of Christian worship.

The National Centre for Liturgy, in association with St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, are currently planning for the second semester of the academic year which begins 3 February 2020.  In the second semester we are offering to parishes a comprehensive course Leading God’s People in Public Prayer – forming lay leaders in the task of presiding.  The course will provide training for those who may be called upon to undertake roles of leadership when the Eucharist cannot be celebrated on weekdays.  It will include celebrating the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Hours - leading prayer when the Eucharist is not celebrated and leading certain rites of the Order of Christian Funerals.  Three other courses will also take place: The Eucharist – Celebration and Theology; What is a Sacrament?; Liturgy and the Future of our Parishes.  The National Centre for Liturgy is committed to this task of assisting parishes to prepare people to lead daily gatherings of prayer as well as experiencing a deeper appreciation of the Eucharist and the Sacraments.

Leading Your Parish in Prayer: Feb-May 2020